Celebs Next Door: Karime Demorizi breaks the silent with her book

“Beats, noises and shouting in the apartment, asking for help to save her life. The afternoon of August 28, 2002, Karime Demorizi was alone with no one to rescue her … everything started to become dark and silent.”

After surviving one of the most aggressive cases of domestic violence, Karime Demorizi decided to help other victims of the same scourge and run her campaign about domestic violence awareness—launching her book “Breaking the Silence.”

“Breaking the Silence” is a book that talks about her own life and experiences. “The idea of ​​writing ‘Breaking the Silence’ came from God,” said Demorizi. “It was like a divine inspiration I received when I was finishing the process of being a victim survivor of domestic violence.”

Leading our readers into another amazing story, “Celebs Next Door” got an exclusive interview with this Christian Minister and entrepreneur where this successful local talks about her book, foundation, upcoming projects and more… 

CND – How can somebody who is a victim of domestic violence break the silence?

“To break the silence definitely one just has to ask for help, taking the decision not to continue to be abused,” said Demorizi.

CND- What are the steps to follow when you want to help a friend or family member who is a victim of domestic violence?

First make them aware of the reality, then inform and help the victim,” said Demorizi. “You have to give an escape plan if the victim is still inside the house, helping the victim to save all that she should carry as identification documents and valuables. But you have to let her make the decision by herself (about not wanting to continue being abused).”

CND-Tell us about your foundation “Hefziba Women” and how it works.

“Our foundation is a non-profit organization that helps victims and survivors of domestic violence, giving spiritual support and external support, for example suggesting government aid centers, labor, psychologists, lawyers, translators, accompany them to court, picking them when they are left abandoned and providing them with food,” said Demorizi.

CND- Could you tell us about your experience as entrepreneur with your magazine ‘Face to Face?’

“The magazine ‘Face to Face’ belongs to the company ‘Hefziba Communication’ and treats social issues, business, spiritual and community,” said Demorizi. “We make this magazine circulate throughout Latin America, USA, Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic.” 

CND-Tell us about your experience as a host of the ‘Christian Net TV- Radio.’

“I started to host a TV-radio program of the Ministry “Divine Love,” added Demorizi. “Later I had the opportunity to open my own radio and TV show and I didn’t doubt to jump in another way to spread my campaign against domestic violence.”

CND-What are your upcoming projects?

“This year, we will launch “Breaking the Silence” in London and Brazil,” said Demorizi. “I will also continue to run my campaign in many Latin American countries”

CND-Could you define your work and yourself with just three words?
“Love, service to God, and community-compassion.”

“To stop domestic violence, you just have to take the decision not to remain a victim and want to live FREE.”

Karime Demorizi 

Christian Minister & Successful Entrepreneur in Miami. 
Author of the book “Breaking the Silent.”
Contacts to Karime Demorizi to: 


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