Puerto Rican high-end fashion designer, Luis Antonio took over our city to present his Caribbean inspiration, “Maritime Collection” at the Gala of “Ganando Sonrisas” Foundation at Wynwood in our city of Miami, on December 17, 2014.

As the reflection of Luis Antonio’s staple over the past 20 years, this talented designer has become distinguished in the competitive fashion world by his modern and cosmopolitan collections, showing the world that he knows how to bring his ideas to life!

Luis Antonio’s creative pieces have also been celebrated by international celebrities, such as: Jennifer Lopez, Amaury Nolasco, Jennifer Morrison and Roselyn Sanchez along with Gisselle Blondet, Barbara Bermudo, Adamaris Lopez, and Dayanara Torres, among others.

Our founder and president, Lissette Rondon got an exclusive interview with the rising fashion star where he talks about his fashion presentation in Miami, his success at Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week in New York, his future projects, and more…

Lissette Rondon: Tell us how you feel about your presentation here in Miami?

Luis Antonio: “Very happy to have the opportunity to showcase my ‘Maritime Collection,’ which I just introduced in New York and Puerto Rico, and because it will be a Gala to benefit “Ganando Sonrisas” Foundation.”It’s a nice way to give back and support important causes in Latin-America with my show and my talent.”

LR: How did you get the idea of presenting your “Maritime Collection” at the Gala of “Ganando Sonrisas” Foundation?

LA: “I have a great friendship with Edith and Carlos and the proposal was made to present ‘Maritime Collection’ here. It is the first time that I present a complete collection in Miami. I’ve presented other collections but smaller, plus this is my most important collection now. I feel that fulfills many goals in one single event. ”

LR- Tell us about your experience at the Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week in New York.

LA: “Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week New York is the goal of every fashion designer. We all want to present there because it is one of the most important fashion events worldwide. Every year, luminaries of fashion such as: Oscar de la Renta, Carolina Herrera, among others, go to present their collections there. I feel so proud of being another Latin designer that opens new paths for younger generations to come. MBFWNY has been the most important step in my career!”

LR: Let’s talk about “Maritime Collection.” What inspired you to create this collection?

LA: “I am a fan of the nautical theme and because it was my first presentation I wanted to do a show with something completely different, I wanted to do it abstract. I designed with my team from the fabrics to the shoes. I did not want sailors and captains. I wanted New York to see another point of view on this subject, another concept through my collection.”

LR: What do you like most about this collection?

LA: “Absolutely everything. I spent 20 years preparing for this moment of my career. I took care of all the details, traces of fabric; I worked closely with my stylists and makeup artists for my fashion presentation. It was a great team and that was seen in the final result. I did not think it was necessary showcasing many pieces, I think the thirty four pieces that I presented were a fashion statement.”

LR: Tell us about the designs of the shoes—they were another fashion hit.

LA: “The shoes were a collaboration with a chain of stores in Puerto Rico. I had designed shoes with them for seasons and we decided to do something special for MBFWNY—amazingly the first lot that we released was sold out.”

LR: What do you think of fashion in Miami?

LA: “A very interesting question. Miami’s women like to wear very sexy and revealing clothes, which I quite understand due to the climate issue. I think this helps them to be comfortable. My designs are equally dedicated to the sexy women but are less revealing.”

LR: Is it in your future plans to continue featuring your collections in our town?

LA: “Now I find myself doing a couple of negotiations to open my store in this city, which would help to continue presenting my collections here in Miami, as in Puerto Rico and New York.”

LR-After your presentation of December 17, what will your immediate project be?

LA: “This is the last time I present this collection. I will be working on a few editorials for fashion magazines but I’ll be more focused on my next collection that will be the Fall-Winter 2015.

LR- Could you define your work and yourself with just three words?

LA: “Dedication, Effort, and Goals.”

LR- What is the prediction of Luis Antonio for 2015?

Effortless styles like mine!

Images used with permission of Bertha Moreno (PR).

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