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Bloomingdale’s Aventura pays tribute to Vanessa Hauc and Lola Ponce for creating awareness about a sustainable planet

On November 9, 2018, we attended the fashion event “B. Sustainable and B. Mindful Fashion Show and Awards Ceremony” at Bloomingdale’s Aventura Mall.

With the eco-slogan “Trends come and go, but we have only one planet on which we live” Bloomingdale’s teamed up for this occasion with Sachamama Organization – an organization that works to build support for a 100% clean energy economy for all, and sustainable attitudes, behaviors, and lifestyles within Latin communities.

Clarissa Molina, Entertainment reporter of Univision served as the emcee for the evening along with our beloved friend Jonathan Torres (Manager of Tourism & International Programs at Bloomingdale’s) who hosted a curated runway of sustainable eco-friendly and socially conscious fashion items across apparel and accessories.

The highlight of the night was the tribute to the Colombian Emmy-award-winner journalist, Vanessa Hauc, and the Argentinian singer-songwriter, Lola Ponce, who received recognition by Bloomingdale’s for taking personal action to foster love and respect nature, creating a sustainable planet.

At the end of the night, all the attendees had the opportunity to learn a little bit more about how to live our lives in the way that we can protect the environment for future generations and in this case, we also learned how to shop for fashionable clothes in mindful ways…

We had the blessing to gather one more year in a beautiful evening with amazing people such as fashion designers, bloggers, publicists, socialites, and very influential people from our community—people who are always supporting fashion in Miami.

Among the sponsors were Michis Restaurant (which was the hit of the night with its amazingly delicious vegan food), Ron Barcelo, 1865 Selected Vineyards, Karen Paba, Traffic Lifestyle & Fashion and Derma Clinic.

Congratulations Lola Ponce and Vanessa Hauc! Keep up the good work!




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Bloomingdale’s Aventura rinde homenaje a Vanessa Hauc y Lola Ponce por crear conciencia sobre un planeta sostenible

El 9 de noviembre de 2018, asistimos al evento “B. Sustainable and B. Mindful”–desfile de moda y ceremonia de premiación en Bloomingdale’s Aventura Mall.

Con el eco-eslogan “Las tendencias van y vienen, pero solo tenemos un planeta en el que vivimos”, Bloomingdale’s se unió para esta ocasión con Sachamama; una organización que trabaja  para impulsar una economía de energía 100% limpia para todos y actitudes, comportamientos y estilos de vida sostenibles dentro de las comunidades Latinx.

Clarissa Molina, reportera de entretenimiento de Univision fue la maestra de ceremonias de la noche junto con nuestro querido amigo Jonathan Torres (Gerente de Turismo y Programas Internacionales en Bloomingdale’s) quien organizó una pasarela de moda de prendas y accesorios sostenibles, respetuosas  del medio ambiente.

Lo más destacado de la noche fue el homenaje a la periodista colombiana, ganadora de un Emmy,  Vanessa Hauc, y a la cantante y compositora argentina, Lola Ponce, quienes recibieron el reconocimiento de Bloomingdale’s por emprender acciones personales para fomentar el amor y respeto hacia la naturaleza, creando una planeta sostenible.

Al final de la noche, todos los asistentes tuvimos la oportunidad de aprender un poco más sobre cómo vivir nuestras vidas de una manera en que podemos proteger el medio ambiente para las generaciones futuras y, en este caso, también aprendimos cómo comprar a la moda nuestras ropas de una manera más consciente …

Tuvimos  también la bendición de reunirnos otro año más en una hermosa velada con personas increíbles, tales como: diseñadores de moda, bloggers, publicistas, socialites y persona influyentes de nuestra comunidad–gente que siempre apoya la moda en Miami.

Entre los patrocinadores se encontraban: el restaurante Michis (que fue el éxito de la noche con su comida vegana e increíblemente deliciosa), Ron Barcelo, 1865 Selected Vineyards, Karen Paba, Traffic Lifestyle & Fashion y Derma Clinic.

¡Felicitamos a Lola Ponce y Vanessa Hauc!  ¡Que continúen  con el buen trabajo!



‘B. Sustainable and Mindful’ Fashion Show at Bloomingdale’s Aventura
Michelle Posada, Azucena Cierco, Vanessa Hauc and Lola Ponce. Credit: MFS
‘B. Sustainable and Mindful’ Fashion Show at Bloomingdale’s Aventura
Clarissa Molina. Credit: MFS
‘B. Sustainable and Mindful’ Fashion Show at Bloomingdale’s Aventura
Lissette Rondon. Credit: MFS
‘B. Sustainable and Mindful’ Fashion Show at Bloomingdale’s Aventura
Jonathan Torres and Clarissa Molina. Credit: MFS
‘B. Sustainable and Mindful’ Fashion Show at Bloomingdale’s Aventura
Viviana and Rafael Gabeiras. Credit: MFS
‘B. Sustainable and Mindful’ Fashion Show at Bloomingdale’s Aventura
Fashion Show. Credit: MFS
‘B. Sustainable and Mindful’ Fashion Show at Bloomingdale’s Aventura
Fashion Show. Credit: MFS
‘B. Sustainable and Mindful’ Fashion Show at Bloomingdale’s Aventura
Fashion Show. Credit: MFS
‘B. Sustainable and Mindful’ Fashion Show at Bloomingdale’s Aventura
Fashion Show. Credit: MFS
‘B. Sustainable and Mindful’ Fashion Show at Bloomingdale’s Aventura
Azucena Cierco. Credit: MFS
‘B. Sustainable and Mindful’ Fashion Show at Bloomingdale’s Aventura
Azucena Cierco, Vanessa Hauc and Lola Ponce. Credit: MFS
‘B. Sustainable and Mindful’ Fashion Show at Bloomingdale’s Aventura
Lissette Rondon and Viviana Gabeiras. Credit: MFS
B. Sustainable and Mindful’ Fashion Show at Bloomingdale’s Aventura
Clarissa Molina, Carlos Zegarra and Jonathan Torres. Credit: MFS


Jonathan Torres and Lola Ponce. Credit: MFS


‘B. Sustainable and Mindful’ Fashion Show at Bloomingdale’s Aventura
Jonathan Torres, Lola Ponce, Adriana Martin and Clarissa Molina. Credit: MFS.
‘B. Sustainable and Mindful’ Fashion Show at Bloomingdale’s Aventura
Vanessa Hauc. Credit: MFS
‘B. Sustainable and Mindful’ Fashion Show at Bloomingdale’s Aventura
Jonathan Torres, Lola Ponce, Michelle Posada, Vanessa Hauc, Clarissa Molina and Adriana Martin. Credit: MFS
‘B. Sustainable and Mindful’ Fashion Show at Bloomingdale’s Aventura
Jonathan Torres, Lola Ponce, Michelle Posada, Vanessa Hauc, Clarissa Molina and Adriana Martin. Credit: MFS


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Note from the editor:

 For this fabulous fashion event, I wore a custom-made dress (Chanel look) and a gorgeous silk flower fascinator made by TAMMY APOSTOL COUTURE.

This brand also specializes in Eco-couture designs—pieces made exclusively from sustainable fabrics and materials. I invite you to meet the designer… please visit: TACOUTURE.COM


[one_half_last padding=”0 0px 0 10px”] Nota del editor:

Para este fabuloso evento de moda, usé un vestido hecho a la medida (estilo Chanel) con un espectacular fascinator  tipo flor en seda diseñado por Tammy Apóstol Couture.

Esta marca también se especializa en diseños Eco-couture–piezas hechas exclusivamente con telas y materiales sostenibles. Los invito a conocer a la diseñadora…visitando: TACOUTURE.COM


‘B. Sustainable and Mindful’ Fashion Show at Bloomingdale’s Aventura

‘B. Sustainable and Mindful’ Fashion Show at Bloomingdale’s Aventura

Photo Credit: MFS

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“Be the change you wish to see in the world.”


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 “Sé el cambio que quieres ver en el mundo”.


– Mahatma Gandhi

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  • Avatar
    Posted November 17, 2018 1:48 am
    by Miranda Mccoy

    Congratulations to Vanessa Hauc and Lola Ponce for being acknowledged! Their efforts for creating awareness about sustainable planet are commendable.

  • Avatar
    Posted November 18, 2018 5:25 am
    by Flora Huff

    Several brands were launched with a slogan of eco fashion but most of them couldn’t create an impression the way Bloomingdale’s did. Great initiative!

    • Lissette Rondon
      Posted December 11, 2018 8:17 pm
      by Lissette Rondon

      Wow Flora, I will tell that to my friend Jonathan, he was the one who produced this event. Thank you so much for your feedback.

  • Avatar
    Posted November 18, 2018 2:00 pm
    by Phyllis Rawlings

    Your custom-made dress looks fabulous. The fascinator is perfect and made your appearance elegant. Hats off to Tammy Apostol Couture for designing such a lovely fascinator!

    • Lissette Rondon
      Posted December 10, 2018 10:03 pm
      by Lissette Rondon

      Thank you so much, Phyllis ; ) it was the first time that I wore a fascinator like that and I adored it!!!

  • Avatar
    Posted November 18, 2018 4:25 pm
    by Sandra Strumic

    Just visited Tacouture’s website. I am very impressed their eco-couture designs. These guys are doing great job by offering stuff exclusively made from sustainable fabrics.

    • Lissette Rondon
      Posted December 10, 2018 10:01 pm
      by Lissette Rondon

      Hi, Sandra. I am so happy that you like Tammy’s designs! For me she is one of the best designers in town. Thank you so much for stopping by MFS

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