Another installment of “Fashion for Breakfast” was held at Cecconi’s Miami Beach on March 23, 2017.

This time, the morning event was hosted by Seth Weisser, CEO “What Goes Around Comes Around” and Gerard Maione, Chief Creative Officer “What Goes Around Comes Around.”

Fashion for Breakfast and WGACA

The company (WGACA) has been celebrated by the media for having a procurement team that travels around the world, hand-selecting the finest pieces from the most coveted fashion labels. Therefore, their curated collection for men and women include exquisite vintage items from the 1880’s right down to the 1990s.

Notably, the courtyard of Soho Beach House was crowded by vintage aficionados, trendsetters, editors and influencers to witness a discussion about the latest trends of the season along with vintage couture, among others.

These trendsetters enjoyed their much needed fashion fix making the Fashion For Breakfast event a resounding success.

The fashion talk was moderated by Charlene Parsons; Fashion Director at Miami International University of Art & Design.

A Trunk Show at the library was the closing event of this interactive and memorable occasion on a beautiful social morning.

Speaking about What Goes Around Comes Around in Miami, their store in our magic city is located at 1800, Bay Road, Miami Beach. If you want to know more about them, please visit:


Evento ‘Fashion for Breakfast’ en Cecconi’s en Miami Beach

Otro evento de la serie “Fashion for Breakfast”  se realizó en Cecconi’s en Miami Beach,  el 23 de marzo del 2017.

El evento matutino fue conducido por Seth Weisser, director general de “What Goes Around Comes Around” y Gerard Maione, director creativo de “What Goes Around Comes Around”.

La compañía (WGACA) ha sido celebrada por la media, por tener un exitoso equipo de compras que viaja alrededor del mundo, seleccionando las mejores piezas de las marcas de moda más codiciadas.

Lo que ha hecho que su colección de damas y cabaleros incluya exquisita mercadería de los años 1880’s  hasta 1990.

‘Fashion for Breakfast’ y la compañía WGACA

El patio de ‘Soho Beach House’ fue escenario de aficionados a la moda vintage, ‘fashionistas’, editores y personas influyentes. Todos entusiastas en presenciar la  discusión sobre  últimas tendencias de la temporada y  alta costura ‘vintage’, entre otros temas.

La fascinante charla fue moderada por Charlene Parsons; Directora de moda de la Universidad Internacional de Arte y Diseño de Miami.

Un ‘trunk show’ en la biblioteca fue el cierre de este interactivo evento  y hermosa mañana social.

Y hablando de la compañía “What Goes Around Comes Around” en Miami. Les contamos que tienen una tienda en nuestra ciudad del sol. Se encuentra en 1800 Bay Road Miami Beach. Si desean saber más sobre ellos, visite:

Fashion for Breakfast at Cecconi’s Miami Beach: What Goes Around Comes Around
Seth Weisser, Gerard Maione & Charlene Parsons.

Fashion for Breakfast at Cecconi’s Miami Beach: What Goes Around Comes Around


Fashion for Breakfast at Cecconi’s Miami Beach: What Goes Around Comes Around

Fashion for Breakfast at Cecconi’s Miami Beach: What Goes Around Comes Around

Fashion for Breakfast at Cecconi’s Miami Beach: What Goes Around Comes Around

Fashion for Breakfast at Cecconi’s Miami Beach: What Goes Around Comes Around


Fashion for Breakfast at Cecconi’s Miami Beach: What Goes Around Comes Around

Fashion for Breakfast at Cecconi’s Miami Beach: What Goes Around Comes Around
Gerard Maione & Gabriella Snith
Fashion for Breakfast at Cecconi’s Miami Beach: What Goes Around Comes Around
Carolina Lindo
Fashion for Breakfast at Cecconi’s Miami Beach: What Goes Around Comes Around
Banette & Amande Prado.
Fashion for Breakfast at Cecconi’s Miami Beach: What Goes Around Comes Around
Tara Benmeleh & Max Aero.
Fashion for Breakfast at Cecconi’s Miami Beach: What Goes Around Comes Around
Miyenu de Montis & Denise Serrano.
Rebbeca Nunez, Jessica Fisher & Joseph Villacob
Fashion for Breakfast at Cecconi’s Miami Beach: What Goes Around Comes Around
Stephanie Hill.
Fashion for Breakfast at Cecconi’s Miami Beach: What Goes Around Comes Around
From Left to right: Sofia G, Andy Faerman, Carolina Lindo, Andrea Salazar & Stephanie Hill.
Fashion for Breakfast at Cecconi’s Miami Beach: What Goes Around Comes Around
Andrea Salazar
Fashion for Breakfast at Cecconi’s Miami Beach: What Goes Around Comes Around
Valeria Simon & Annete Felder


Fashion for Breakfast at Cecconi’s Miami Beach: What Goes Around Comes Around

Fashion for Breakfast at Cecconi’s Miami Beach: What Goes Around Comes Around

All Images by Angelica Ramos.


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