Exclusive Interview with Charlene Parsons: Legendary Lady
Profile: Fashion Director at Ai. Lead Educator at International Fine Arts College (Miami International University of Art & Design).
MFS Magazine: Mrs. Parsons, It’s a pleasure to have you among our “Top Real Women in Fashion & Business 2022-2023.” You have established yourself as one of Florida’s top fashion educators, and many of your students can attest to the quality of your fashion lessons. What is the most valuable message you’ve learned in your 45 years of teaching at Miami International University of Art and Design? What stands out most to you?
Charlene Parsons: It is my pleasure and honor to be part of your publication and to be chosen as one of the “Top Real Women in Fashion & Business” I have had the pleasure to teach students from over 52 countries who have come to Miami to study. Meeting these students and their families and watching them accomplish their dreams was so rewarding. They came to Miami and fell in love with fashion. To see them on the first day and to be a part of their life is something I will not forget as I looked into their eyes as they entered into the international fashion industry. I felt such pride and still do today when I hear from them or run into them as I do constantly. I did learn from them as I hope they did from me to never say “no” or to give up on that career that you really want.
MFS: Complementing your outstanding teaching abilities, many of your students have become well-known designers, including Rene Ruiz, Julian Chang, Victoria Lopez Castro, and Danny Santiago, among others. How do you feel about that?
Mrs. Parsons: I am so proud of the international graduates. So many fell in love with Miami and stayed here to start their businesses and yet so many took their experience and knowledge home to share. It is such a wonderful pleasure to hear from them and to watch them now run the fashion industry.
Challenges, Trends in Fashion and More…
MFS: What do you tell your students when they feel discouraged and how did you overcome this challenge?
Mrs. Parsons: Listening, caring, giving encouragement, and (yes) giving tough love all went together and never accepting the I feel sorry for myself, or I can’t do this. They would have to rip it out and start over until it was perfect. They had the most professional faculty and learned from the best.
MFS: You specifically teach Fashion Merchandising and Trends in Fashion. And as a fashion magazine, we gain fashion insights from your lessons. It is unavoidable to inquire about the trends of 2023; how can we predict the trends and direction of fashion?
Mrs. Parsons: Fashion is in everything we do today. We are influenced from the major capitols of the world, from the streets, from the youth in how they put themselves together, from the arts, from music, and from the sports industry so being totally aware leads to a great trends predictor. Miami is such a big player in the fashion industry, so we have so many influences that set trends for the future. We are so lucky to live in one of the top cities internationally!

Beginnings, Motivations and Empowerment
MFS: We also discovered that you started your career in the Burdines Fashion Office and were a successful model. What was it like to be a model and how have you evolved since then?
Mrs. Parsons: Yes, I started my career at Burdines, and guess I can say have not stopped. I was so lucky that Edward and Ana Lee Porter invited me to join them at International Fine Arts College and they believed in me and in their students. We traveled and the students competed in contest worldwide. We represented the USA for 24 years in Paris with our students winning the best of the world. What a dream! We most recently was chosen as one of the top 7 design schools in the USA. I am so proud, but all of this brought the international recognition that was needed for students. It was also my industry professional friends that helped me and gave our students their first chance.
MFS: The fashion industry has begun to embrace diversity. What are your thoughts on inclusion?
Mrs. Parsons: I feel Miami has been one of the first to embrace diversity. IFAC was always open and encouraged the students to think past a narrow mind. Fashion is so global and so ready for change just take a look at South Beach. I think fashion will continue to grow in many ways and open the doors for change (why not).
MFS: For many years, your primary motivation has been fashion diaspora. Now that you are retired, what motivates you?
Mrs. Parsons: I still miss the early days and the excitement of putting the shows together, fitting the models, doing the music, looking at the pictures the next day, and then getting ready for the next contest, TV show, and the new students ready to start their careers. I don’t feel retired, I talk to my friends almost every day (Oscar Lopez and Nestor Camacho) to keep up with the industry. Since The Fashion Group Int. has been part of my life for so long, I still volunteer when needed.
MFS: On Women Empowerment, what moments did Charlene Parsons feel more empowered throughout her impressive career?
Mrs. Parsons: My fashion career has been so rewarding I could not have asked for more or I would never have met so many wonderful professionals many that are in this special edition.

“Miami is such a big player in the fashion industry, so we have so many influences that set trends for the future.”
— Charlene Parsons.
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