Colombian-American actress, television host and well-known speaker proposes a new altruistic initiative by launching the hashtag #TEAMHUMANITYMIAMI to help instill respect, love, equality, tolerance and human rights for everyone.
Beauty icon Adriana Cataño has earned credibility, respect and admiration from international press and fans alike due to her award-winning seminars for teenagers wishing to start a career in show business. Due to her versatility, positive attitude and devotion she was given the title “Fairy Godmother” for new rising talent in the show biz industry.
In establishing the hashtag #TEAMHUMANITYMIAMI #TEAMHUMANITY Cataño motivates us to begin a constructive and respectful dialogue with one another that will establish the road to a peaceful coexistence in society and that will alleviate the harsh reality many minorities are experience due to intolerance and violence in the world. Adriana inspires us to become a better society by donating time and/or money to your favorite charities, by mentoring underprivileged youth, by promoting love instead of hate, by supporting foundations and organizations that combat/address bullying, cyber-bullying, domestic violence, and animal abuse among others. In addition she encourages us to be active in community service with our children and teach them to tolerate and love everyone.
“I feel that as a society we have the responsibility to change the world. We are one, we are all connected and we are the same. We are all human. We must learn to live in peace with people of all religions, races, ethnicities, political differences, sexual preferences, etc. We live in a world where we are losing self-love, self-respect, chivalry, good manners, respect for others lives, spirituality and compassion. Our moral ethics are slowly becoming obsolete. “In light of the tragedy in Orlando I feel we need to unite with greater effort, passion and focus.”
In addition, presently there are millions of kids being bullied on a daily basis and cyber bullying is at its all-time worst. The press merits and rewards celebrities who are involved in scandals, negative behavior and are not good examples for our youth. The press and society in general value people for their physical appearances and not necessarily for being productive and positive role models. All this can be changed one day at a time, but we need our friends from the press to help our cause.”
Recently, Adriana was given yet another award at the Annual Gala “Por Amor A Ti.” This time it was the “Premio Inspiracion” (Inspiration Award) given to inspirational women by Roxana Silvera, President of Perla de Esperanza Foundation.” This foundation helps women and children who are victims of domestic violence. Adriana is truly honored to receive this special recognition and will continue to support this outstanding organization. Empowering young girls and women is one of her top priorities.
Humility, philanthropy and her devotion as a coach and mentor to youth entering the entertainment industry have given her credibility among her peers and the international press. She continues to grace covers of important long leads and truly wishes to focus on the positive to make this a better world.
La actriz, presentadora y célebre conferencista impulsa una nueva iniciativa altruista con la que busca posicionar el hashtag #TEAMHUMANIDAD y fomentar el respeto, igualdad y tolerancia universal, promoviendo los derechos humanos que propicien los buenos modales y el respeto entre todos.
Con sus premiados seminarios para nuevos talentos televisivos y artísticos, Adriana Cataño se ha ganado el cariño del público anglo y latino gracias a su simpatía, frescura y gran versatilidad, cualidades que la han consagrado a lo largo de los años como ‘el hada madrina de la juventud de la televisión’, y un referente indiscutido para las nuevas generaciones.
Impulsando el hashtag #TEAMHUMANIDAD, Cataño esta vez se esfuerza por impulsar un diálogo constructivo y respetuoso, que establezca un camino que beneficie una sana convivencia en sociedad, y ayude a aliviar la situación por la que atraviesan las minorías afectadas por la intolerancia y la violencia.
“Pienso que estamos en decadencia como seres humanos, la humanidad como tal tiene el deber y la responsabilidad de crear conciencia y ayudar a cambiar el mundo. Somos uno, todos estamos conectados, todos somos iguales, somos humanos. Debemos de tolerar todas las religiones, razas, diferencias políticas, preferencias sexuales, edades, etc. Se están perdiendo los valores, la caballerosidad, la elegancia, el respeto, la espiritualidad, el amor propio, los modales, la educación, la ética moral y el valor a la vida ajena. En vista de la tragedia de Orlando ahora más que nunca tenemos esta tarea. Los medios y la humanidad están valorando a seres humanos por su apariencia física y comportamientos negativos. Hay millones de jóvenes sufriendo de bullying en las escuelas a diario y el cyber bullying está a la orden del día. Es importante cambiar esto ya, pero necesitamos la ayuda de los medios de comunicación.” declaro Adriana.
El pasado sábado 18 de junio se dio a cabo la Gala Anual “Por Amor a Ti”, que preparó la Fundación dedicada a ayudar a mujeres maltratadas, “Perla de Esperanza” a través de su Presidenta Roxana Silvera. En esta Gala le otorgaron el “Premio Inspiración en nuestras vidas” a mujeres y hombres de nuestra sociedad y comunidad, por ser de inspiración en nuestras vidas, y Adriana Cataño fue un recipiente de este maravilloso reconocimiento, “Perla de Esperanza”.
Por su corazón humanitario, y su incansable labor como coach en importantes seminarios, únicos en su clase, la escultura artista hoy encabeza titulares tras años de éxito sostenido que la posicionan como destacada guía y consejera para miles de jóvenes alrededor de EEUU y Latinoamérica.

Images: Courtesy of Johnny Arraiz & Lynn Parks.