Women in the Arts Miami, (WITAM), dedicated to honoring and recognizing the wealth of talent in the South Florida Entertainment Industry, will be holding the Women in the Arts Miami Awards Reception, on September 18, 2016 at Aperion Restaurant, 1009 Kane Concourse, Bay Harbor Islands, FL.
WITAM was founded by Actress, Diana Laura Noris, the organization strives to promote and raise public awareness of South Florida’s talent, regardless of gender, and their achievements in and contributions to the Arts, including performing, visual, written and fine arts.
The event will attract and recognize South Florida’s leaders in fashion, film, beauty, health, and the arts for extraordinary accomplishments and excellence in their craft. Gianina Acevedo from Marketology 101, will serve as Mistress of Ceremonies at the Red-Carpet Awards Reception.
Some of the 2016 Recipients include: Isa Zapata, Rachel Galvin, S.L Baker, Anicia Bragg, Veronica Vergara, Aniela Mcguiness, Ken Carrington Wilcox, Michael Capponi, William Kennedy, Marissa K. Lipton, Ema Savahl, Tara Salomon, Adriana Moura, Gigi Diaz, Andrea Ocampo, Ana Maria Reyes, Monica Mendoza, Tess La Bella, Jessica Saiontz, Gianina Acevedo, Rick Morgan, Venue Magazine, G Butter and more.
“At WITA Miami, we are proud and honored to acknowledge the work of talented people in the Spanish and American markets,” said Diana Noris, President and Founder of Women in the Arts. “South Florida is brimming with talent in all aspects of the Arts community and in this highly competitive industry, there is space for all of us to shine at the same time.”
The event will be co-produced by Jessica Saiontz and sponsored by Aperion Grill and Bar, Kenneth Carrington Wilcox, PromoProducts.com, LATINA MAGAZINE, and G BUTTER.
Award Recipients (2016)
Artist: Isa Zapata
Freelance Writer of the Year: Rachel Galvin
Book Writer of the Year: S.L Baker
Columnist of the Year: Anicia Bragg.
Blog of the year: Miami Fashion Spotlight.
Legacy Award: Aniela Mcguiness (Cancer Grad)
Philanthropists Honorees: Ken Carrington Wilcox (Unity Coalition), Michael Capponi (Global Empowerment Mission), Diane Trivelli (Arielle Anacker Cancer Foundation), William Kennedy (Women and artist empowerment), Diana Noris (WITA Women empowerment), Jessica Saiontz (WITA Women Empowerment).
Humanitarian Honorees: Jessica Saiontz (Social Activist), Erica Stowers (Boys and Girls club of Broward County), Rick Morgan(Social Activist), Erin Milchman (Social Activist), Kimberly Shenker Bacardi (Karma Group), Maritza Bedoya (Animal Activist), Maddie Cartagena (Social Activist).
Animal Rescue of the Year: Dafna J Hadad “NAIA” Pet Rescue ( No Animals in Anguish Pet Rescue).
Entrepreneur of the Year: Marissa K. Lipton (The Network).
Fashion Designer of the year: Ema Savahl.
Magazine of the Year: Venue Magazine.
Online Magazine of the Year: Latina Magazine
Publicist of the Year: Tara Salomon (Tara Ink.)
Fashion Influencer of the Year: Lissette Rondon.
Art & Entertainment Influencer of the year: Adriana Moura.
Internet Radio Talk Show: “Chicks Live” Wei Network.
Radio Host: Gigi Diaz (I Heart Radio 939 MIA).
Sports Host of the Year: Andrea Ocampo.
Show Host of the Year: Ana Maria Reyes.
Acting School of the Year: SAH (Sociedad Actorial Hispanoamaricana).
Casting Director of the Year: Kim Houston.
Acting Coaches of the Year: Migel Sahid & Sara Rodgers.
Celebrity & Entertainment Reporter: Monica Mendoza.
Film Maker of the Year: Lous Simon.
Film Producer of the Year: Carole Wood.
Independent Film Director: Octavian Onuc.
Multi Media Creative Producer: Luly Rodriguez.
RISING STAR – Actress of the Year- New Star: Arlyn Broche.
Dramatic Actress of the Year: Elizabeth Lazo.
Comedian of the Year: Tess La Bella.
Horror Actress of the Year: Diana Noris.
Screenplay Writer: Lou Simon.
Fitness Entrepreneur of the year: Talisa Pierson.
Makeup Artist: Lisa Merritt Lee — Alluring Faces.
More information, please visit: Womenintheartsmiami.com
Organización “Women in The Arts Miami” celebrará entrega de premios el 18 de septiembre en Restaurant Aperion.
La organización “Women in The Arts Miami-(WITAM)” dedicada a honrar y reconocer el talento en el Sur de la Florida celebrará la entrega de galardones, el 18 de septiembre del 2016, en el Restaurante Aperion Grill & Bar, en 1009 Kane Concourse, Bay Harbor Islands, FL.
“Women in the Arts Miami” (Mujeres en las Artes en Miami) fue fundada por la actriz, Diana Laura Noris, con la finalidad de promover y crear conciencia pública sobre el talento del sur de Florida, independientemente de su sexo –celebrando sus logros y contribuciones a el mundo de las artes.
El evento reconocerá a los líderes del sur de Florida en el ámbito de la moda, cine, belleza, salud y las artes por la excelencia alcanzada en su profesión.
Gianina Acevedo de “Marketology 101”, servirá como maestra de ceremonia en la alfombra roja y la entrega de premios respectivamente. Dentro de los honorados del 2016, se encuentran: Isa Zapata, Rachel Galvin, S.L. Baker, Anicia Bragg, Verónica Vergara, Aniela Mcguiness, Ken CarringtonWilcox, Michael Capponi, William Kennedy, Marissa K. Lipton, Ema Savahl, Tara Salomon, Adriana De Moura, Gigi Díaz, Andrea Ocampo, Ana María Reyes, Mónica Mendoza, Ximena Duque, Tess La Bella, Jessica Saiontz, Gianina Acevedo, Rick Morgan, Venue Magazine y muchos más.
“En WITA Miami, estamos orgullosas de reconocer el trabajo de personas con talento en el mercado hispano y anglo “, dijo Diana Noris, Presidente y Fundadora de WITAM.” El sur de la Florida esta colmado de mucho talento en todos los aspectos dentro del mundo de las artes. Y en esta industria tan competitiva, pienso que hay espacio para todos brillar”.
La coproducción de este magnífico evento estará a cargo este año, por Jessica Saiontz y está patrocinado por el Restaurant Aperion Grill and Bar, Kenneth Carrington Wilcox, PromoProducts.com, LATINA MAGAZINE y G BUTTER.
Lista de Ganadores
Artist: Isa Zapata
Freelance Writer of the Year: Rachel Galvin
Book Writer of the Year: S.L Baker
Columnist of the Year: Anicia Bragg.
Blog of the year: Miami Fashion Spotlight.
Legacy Award: Aniela Mcguiness (Cancer Grad).
Philanthropists Honorees: Ken Carrington Wilcox (Unity Coalition), Michael Capponi (Global Empowerment Mission), Diane Trivelli (Arielle Anacker Cancer Foundation), William Kennedy (Women and artist empowerment), Diana Noris (WITA Women empowerment), Jessica Saiontz (WITA Women Empowerment).
Humanitarian Honorees: Jessica Saiontz (Social Activist), Erica Stowers (Boys and Girls club of Broward County), Rick Morgan(Social Activist), Erin Milchman (Social Activist), Kimberly Shenker Bacardi (Karma Group), Maritza Bedoya (Animal Activist), Maddie Cartagena (Social Activist).
Animal Rescue of the Year: Dafna J Hadad “NAIA” Pet Rescue (No Animals in Anguish Pet Rescue).
Entrepreneur of the Year: Marissa K. Lipton,The Network
Fashion Designer of the year: Ema Savahl
Magazine of the Year: Venue Magazine
Online Magazine of the Year: Latina Magazine
Publicist of the Year: Tara Salomon (Tara Ink.)
Fashion Influencer of the Year: Lissette Rondon
Art & Entertainment Influencer of the year: Adriana Moura
Internet Radio Talk Show: “Chicks Live” Wei Network
Radio Host: Gigi Diaz (I Heart Radio 939 MIA).
Sports Host of the Year: Andrea Ocampo
Show Host of the Year: Ana Maria Reyes
Acting School of the Year: SAH (Sociedad Actorial Hispanoamaricana)
Casting Director of the Year: Kim Houston
Acting Coaches of the Year: Migel Sahid & Sara Rodgers.
Celebrity & Entertainment Reporter: Monica Mendoza
Film Maker of the Year: Lous Simon
Film Producer of the Year: Carole Wood
Independent Film Director: Octavian Onuc
Multi Media Creative Producer: Luly Rodriguez
RISING STAR – Actress of the Year- New Star: Arlyn Broche
Dramatic Actress of the Year: Elizabeth Lazo
Comedian of the Year: Tess La Bella
Horror Actress of the Year: Diana Noris
Screenplay Writer: Lou Simon
Fitness Entrepreneur of the year: Talisa Pierson
Makeup Artist: Lisa Merritt Lee — Alluring Faces.
Más información, por favor visite: Womenintheartsmiami.com
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